Registration Information


Welcome to Sri Vrindavan Dham and Jaipur Kartik Parikrama 2023 led by His Holiness Indradyumna Swami Maharaja. Please go through all the information in the page below and then register using the “Sadhu Sanga” Mobile App for iPhone or Android. For any questions, please email

The parikrama consists of two parts.

  • Part 1: Sri Vrindavan Dham (Oct 29 to Nov 5) and (Nov 11 to Nov 27)
  • Part 2: Jaipur (Nov 6 to Nov 10)


We will NOT be providing accommodation in Sri Vrindavan Dham. Devotees have to arrange that by themselves. But if you need help with booking rooms, you can email Please note that Kartik is a busy time in Vrindavan and many of the ashrams/hotels get booked far in advance. Depending on the time you contact us, we will share the options that are available at that time.
We will arrange the bus transportation for all those days of the Vrindavan parikrama where we go outside the town like Govardhan, Varsana, etc. The cost is $80 per person. Children 5 years or less can travel free in their parents’ seat.

We will arrange the lunch Prasadam on all those days where we go out in buses. We will request devotees to sponsor for Prasadam for any of the days according to their means.

On the remaining days, devotees can honor Prasadam at ISKCON’s  Krsna Balaram Mandir. 


 We will arrange hotel accommodation for all the registered devotees for staying in Jaipur (4 days)

We will arrange buses to go to Jaipur and return. The total cost for accommodation and transportation for the Jaipur part is $120 for adults (age 6 years or more) 

If some devotees cannot afford this cost, we have another option for them where we will find them a cheaper hotel with less facilities or have them share their room with more people. The cost for this cheaper option for the Jaipur part will be $90 for adults (age 6 years or more).

We will arrange lunch and dinner Prasadam on all the days in Jaipur. We will request devotees to sponsor one day of Prasad each.




Devotees are encouraged to attend the full yatra. If that’s not possible, devotees can choose either part 1 or part 2 depending on their schedule.
YATRA Age 12 and above (US $) Age 6-11 (US $) Age 12 and above (GBP) Age 6-11 (GBP) Age 12 and above (INR) Age 6-11 (INR)
Part 1: Vrindavan 80 80 65 65 6500 6500
Part 2: Jaipur (regular option) 120 80 95 65 9500 6500
Part 2: Jaipur (cheaper option) 90 70 75 55 7500 5500

For devotees who wish to attend only a few days of the Vrindavan parikrama, we have a coupon system. Each day the coupon may cost between Rs.300 – Rs.500 (depending on the place we would be visiting), this covers the transportation and lunch Prasadam for that day. You can purchase the coupons on the previous day evening, we will announce the details later on where and what time to purchase the coupons. If you come in the stipulated time, you should be able to purchase the coupons for sure.